Sustainable innovation
The path on which PlantaRei germinates and takes root to make a significant contribution to the demand for safe and effective products.
Ingredients thought out and designed to give answers to businesses and consumers who want to rethink and redesign our future.
Starting from the awareness of the accumulated delay and with the conviction of how much research and science can contribute, with a common and urgent effort, to the protection of the planet's resources.
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Our products and services
We are involved in the research, development, and production of science-based plant-based active ingredients, intended for the Personal Care and Health Care markets. Despite PlantaRei being a recent innovative start-up, we have been doing this for a long time.
We work in a supply chain: through a tight integration of activities involved in the supply chain, we recover plant residues from selected Italian organic crops in a process of continuous collaboration between different partners, with the ambition of generating products that are even more effective than the reference product. This process of valorization, respectful of the environment, contributes to the transition from a linear economy to a circular one.
Plant-based molecules for dermocosmetical and pharmaceutical use, obtained with innovative patented biotech processes that are delicate, respectful, and low-energy. Pure and proven active ingredients, generated thanks to the know-how of the research team and the constant and valuable collaboration with Italian universities and public research institutions. We believe that combining skills and networking with the excellence of Italian research produces the best results.
Valorization of knowledge
In collaboration with universities and national research centers, we adopt cutting-edge technologies: plant cell cultures to create new ingredients in full respect of biodiversity and to save resources such as water and soil. We also use micropropagation to quickly and safely multiply new, healthy, and vigorous seedlings, even from recalcitrant species.
Partnerships (or connecting the dots and networking). The best projects are born from the complementarity of skills and the active and inclusive involvement of all partners, but also from an open approach to the needs of the client. Active ingredients for cosmetics designed and made to measure for customers looking for exclusivity and innovation. We also develop ingredients for nutraceuticals and medical devices.
Our network of collaborations
Our affiliates
About us
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la repubblica
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Webinar - Biosoluzioni: ostacoli comunicativi e regolatori
25/09/2024  17:30 - 18:45
European Biotech Week 2024 Iscrizione al link
GPI 4PLANET: biosoluzione per una transizione green
01/10/2024  15:00 - 17:00
PlantaRei Biotech, Parco Scientifico Tecnologico VEGA, Porta dell'Innovazione, Via della Libertà 12, Marghera (VE). European Biotech Week 2024 Descrizione del passaggio da una produzione tradizionale ad una ottenuta attraverso conversione enzimatica. Con l'occasione, apriremo le porte della nostra azienda.
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Planetary Health festival
04/10/2024  15:00 - 17:00
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Making Cosmetics
Allianz MiCo, Hall 4, Gate 5, Viale L. Scarampo, Milano. PlantaRei Biotech sarà presente al Making Cosmetics 2024, stand 642. Vi aspettiamo!